Thursday, October 18, 2007

You will never believe

Ready to laugh? :]]], good...
You will never believe what I've done..

There is a technique I use to keep my self alert when doing something boring..  Especially when I've to write something serious I like to add something funny inside the text or a phrase..

So today is I've changed my CV - added few improvements and new paragraphs. And Because I was reading it over and over again (to see if I can change anything else), I got bored and used this technique.. So one of my paragraphs became:

"Currently I use reading as a relaxation technique but I also use reading to develop my personal skills, knowledge and to expand areas of my interests which will also enable me to have conversations with people from different backgrounds and of course to attract opposite sex."

And guess what... I sent it LOL.
I wonder how many replies I gonna get from three places I sent it too.

Glad I didn't sent even earlier version:

...easy adaptable male seeking opportunity to work in design industry within successful company. As a young person I can absorb new information and ideas quickly and for the same reason I would like to work withing team sexy ladies aged between 18 and 25.

Never mentioned how one day In the college I've printed my coursework with something similar at the end, 
every lecture has mentioned it in the next three weeks :]
And aparently one of them scanned it and posted it somewhere on the net.

 Oh well :].. (moving onto week 6 today still behinde but i will get there :])

1 comment:

Iambatman said...


Glad you didn't quit and you're still here!!!! Awesome.

Let's catch up and push hard!!!!